Since my last post, a new year has begun and the blog's first anniversary has come and gone. I meant to do a year in review like everybody else and I probably still will, but for now I'm going to write what's on my mind instead. What's on my mind you ask? Adepticon. I'm up to 6th on the 40k singles tournament wait list and 4th on the team tournament list so I'm confident that I will get into both events.
When we last left off, I was working on getting a Necron army with the intention of playing it in the 1000pt team tournament. Since then, after talking with my teammates, we have decided that trying to build/paint/learn that army in time to be decent with it in April was going to be a chore. After some deliberation, we have decided to play Orks instead.

Switching to Orks is going to be helpful in several ways. The biggest one is familiarity. Two of the guys on our team either have or had an Ork army that they have played quite a bit. The codex has been around long enough that Alpha and I shouldn't have a problem with the Ork play style either. Secondly, I helped build and playtest an Adepticon Ork team last year so I have been through the process. I also think the mentality of playing Orks meshes with our attitude going into the contest. They're like the comic relief of the grim dark future and we hope to be the comic relief of the tournament, at least to the opponents we go up against.
For singles I'm going with the Space Wolves. I intend for this to be the last GT I take the pups to, making it a year of tournaments that I've played them in. That is somewhat dependent on when 6th ed. drops of course. I am planning on making some changes to the list I took to the Gentlemen's GT. More lascannons, less rockets I think would be nice.
Yay, first post of 2012!