Sunday, February 17, 2013

The world, it is a changin'

My last post was almost 10 months ago.  Needless to say, a lot has happened since then.  In order to keep this post shorter than a novel, I will just hit the high points in both my personal life and my hobby life.

Hobby Stuff
I played in three 40k tournaments between my last post and now.  They were biggies.

Adepticon 40k Championship
I took my Space Wolves to the 1850pt singles tournament.  I don't remember a ton of details but I remember using a full unit of Thunderwolf Cavalry for the first time (I don't think I got a playtest game in with my final list) and liking them a lot.  I remember playing against Space Wolves, Grey Knights, Imperial Guard and Space Wolves again.  After the dust settled, I was shocked to see that I finished with the title of Best Sportsman and 12th best overall.  Unbelievable when you consider the field started with 246 players (humble brag).  I have come to the conclusion that I am the luckiest schmuck around.  Lucky or not, I now have hardware from my first Adepticon! (proof)

Adepticon 40k Team Tournament
I remember my list this time.  It was easy because there were only a couple models in it.  Kharn, Land Raider, 8 Berserkers, 3 Obliterators, 3 Terminators.  I'm pretty sure that was it.  Each member of the team brought a similar list with a Chaos character, a Land Raider and cult warriors.  Just remember kids, this was the old boring vanilla Chaos book, not the fancy schmancy new 6th ed. one.  We got smoked, 108th out of 116 teams.  This is undoubtably the Holy Grail of tournaments here at Adepticon and we went into it with a gimicky, poorly thought out plan and paid for it with a 10 hour beating.  proof :(

BugeaterGT 40k Tournament
My brother and I went to this tournament in Omaha, Nebraska and had a great time.  I remember at one point saying this was the most enjoyable tournament I had played in all year.  Unfortunately this was the only tournament I wasn't able to weasel any prizes from.  I ended up getting 13th out of 55 participants.  I would highly recommend this tournament to anyone within driving distance.  If I get into 6th edition, I would love to go again.  My brother was the only player to bring Tyranids so everyone was really excited to play him.  We also met another guy who lived in Ankeny but haven't kept in contact with him like we should have because I've been busy...

Life Stuff
I bought a house and made a miniature of my own!

I don't intend to take another 10 months to make another post but trying to fit hobby time into the family schedule is a challenge to say the least.  I do have some projects in the works and I'll try to get something posted about them.  In the meantime, I'm glad to be back.

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