Sunday, March 20, 2011

First Outing

So I played an unexpected game with some Dark Eldar last Thursday night.  I have been helping a group of guys from my shop get ready for the Adepticon Team Tourney by playing against their lists with my Imperial Fists/Chaos Marines, but when I got there last week one of the guys had his old Dark Eldar army there and happened to have everything to complete my 1k point list from my earlier post.

The team I was up against is taking Orks to Adepticon and the pair I played against used a lot of Trukk boyz and Meganobz backed up by Lootas.  I came away with several observations...

1. Raider Wyches operate better in pairs
2. Incubi are hella mean
3. Dark Lances are unpredictable

I'm not comfortable taking much more out of such a small sample size but I was encouraged enough with the results of the game to buy a Raider and Archon today.  My goal is to finish the last four Wyches from my first squad and build/paint the Raider this weekend.  That's all for now, still no pictures because I'm a lazy bum.


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