Here's what I'm aiming or for the Gentlemen's GT in November. Aside from having to drop 150 points off my Gateway GT list, I think it's time for a change to the overall make-up of the list. After playing approximately 10-12 games with the wolves, I have come to several conclusions:
1. Drop Dreadnoughts are underwhelming.
On paper, my two drop dreads were meant to come down first turn and multimelta a vital target (Land Raider, Leman Russ, Battlewagon, ect). In reality, they come down, miss or fail to destroy their target, then die to meltas. If I cut these out, I have 260pts back.
2. The jury is still out on Drop Pods
It could be just me, but I think that Grey Hunters in Drop Pods are vastly inferior to ones in Rhinos. It seems like every game I played with the drop wolves involves me dropping in, doing a bit of damage and then getting chewed up by my opponent while standing out in the open. Riding around in Rhinos, shooting the occasional melta out the top hatch and making your opponent pop your transport before engaging your troops just seems like the more viable option. I'll be honest, I may just be bad with pods but I thought they would be more effective.
3. Lascannon Razorbacks makes me waste Grey Hunters
The theory behind the Grey Hunters in the Razorbacks was to provide long range support while also taking objectives in my deployment zone. In reality, my model count is deceivingly large when you consider I waste 25 models (15 Long Fangs, 10 Grey Hunters in Razorbacks) just sitting back and firing a few long range weapons. I found that what would happen in games I would lose is that my 20 Grey Hunters in pods died due to lack of support but in games I would win, it was often because I was forced to use my two fives man squads in more aggressive ways. I would love to combine the squads and put them in a Rhino, but I don't know if I'll have time to paint one before the GGT.
4. I want a close combat character
I don't have a big scary character and I want one. Period. I'm used to having Daemon Princes/Lysander erase a lot of my mistakes when I play my other armies. My Rune Priest does not fill that role at all. I was thinking about running a Wolf Lord(termi armour, chainfist, storm shield) with the Wolf Guard in the Land Raider, we'll see if I can scrounge the points. (~180+ pts)
5. I want Wolf Scouts
If I'm going to cut out my lascannon Razorbacks, I'll need some more anti-armour and I think some Wolf Scouts add that as well as some much appreciated unpredictability/versatility.
I'll put some numbers on paper in the next day or so and see what I can put together. Maybe I'll even paint something, who knows?
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