Monday, September 26, 2011

Trouble with Tyranids

I played my brother's Tyranids yesterday with my pups at around 1850pts.  He didn't tell me what was in his list and he made me deploy first.  I nonchalantly deployed my army to capture the two objectives and he proceeded to use an all reserves list to euthanize my dogs.  It was a fun afternoon beer and pretzels game but I did come away with a few insights into my new list.

1.  I still don't like Drop Pods

I used one pod to deploy a 10 man Grey Hunter unit with two meltas onto his objective.  This is the unit that is supposed to drop down and hurt enemy armor.  They died unsupported to a Genestealer charge on turn two. (this is when the poo hit the fan)  I may have to reevaluate my use of even one pod.  I may try to paint another Rhino/Razorback or even drop my Terminators in favor of sticking a Grey Hunter unit in the Land Raider.

2.  My Terminators are underachievers

Here is the epic ballad* of my precious 250+ point Wolf Guard Terminator unit:

We ride to battle in an impenetrable horse (Land Raider Redeemer),
Brain bugs falling from the skies (Zoanthropes in Mycetic Spore),
Boom (two pens, explosion),
Ouch (I fail 2/4 saves),
Rally brothers and charge (Trygon),
Die gloriously! (fail all invulnerable saves, don't get to swing at the 1 wound Trygon)

I'm not a poet/musician.  I also suck at rolling 3++ saves.

3.  Wolf Scouts rock my socks

Definitely painting the rest of this squad, possibly a second.  They outperformed my Grey Hunters and I didn't even have a Wolf Guard with them (yet).

4.  I'm still searching for a close combat HQ

I used a proxy for a Wolf Guard Battle Leader and he was extremely disappointing.  I think it's go big or go home time.

That's all for now, I may set up my photo booth this week, we'll see.  No more ballads.



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