Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It begins...

Hi, my name's Noah and this is my first attempt at writing a blog.  I have been reading blogs pretty much every day for the past two years in search of inspiration for my own hobby.  I'm primarily a Warhammer and 40k player and I'm constantly in search of cool pictures and ideas to share with my friends and customers. 

Why start a blog of my own you ask?  Well, I'm somewhat sporadic with my painting and hobbying in general.  I typically go through intense periods where I get a ton of stuff done or play a bunch of games and then lapse into times of relative inactivity.  I'm starting this blog in an attempt to motivate myself and keep myself accountable.  Hopefully I don't let this lapse like I have the many, many army projects of the past.

In any case, the inspiration for this interweb adventure was found on another blog (surprise!) called The Adept's Forge (http://theadeptsforge.blogspot.com/).  Jeff H.'s side reel of painted models for the year got me thinking how cool it would be to keep track of models that I've painted and see just how productive I am from month to month and look back at the end of the year.  I was going to wait until the new year to start this but I don't want to wait and November 1st is just as good as January 1st right? 

In any case, I plan on posting some pics of my older projects (Vampire Counts, Imperial Fists, Chaos Marines) just to fill up the blog with neat pictures, so tune back in for that.

Anyway, I think that's all for now, have to go paint!  Happy hobbying!


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