I'm beginning to see why most bloggers don't make multiple posts a week. You try and save up enough info to post, then forget half of it before you write it down. Anyway, I've run into a problem. In order to run my 40k list that I used against Alpha, I have to have two more obliterators. Well, being the procrastinator that I am, I left off buying my other two obliterators too long and one of my hobbyists came along and bought all mine before I could. No big deal, I'll just buy another prince instead...oh wait, he bought me out of those too.
Store Sales - 2, My Tournament Army - 0
So I think tonight, I'm going to build a couple more plague marines, to add to my squad of seven. I'll put those in with either plasma or meltas for objective sitting and sub out my thousand sons for another squad of normal CSM's with 2xflamers. The list would look something like this...
Daemon Prince
-Mark of Tzeentch
(10) Chaos Marines
-Champ w/Fist
(10) Chaos Marines
-Champ w/Fist
(10) Berzerkers
-Champ w/Power Weapon
Land Raider
(8) Plague Marines
-Champ w/Power Weapon or Fist (don't have my new list in front of me)
-2xMeltas or 2xPlasma Guns (depends on what the champ has)
I think that's it. I have all of it painted except for the finishing touches on the second Rhino and the two special weapons plague marines.
In other news, I played a game of fantasy last week! I forgot my army list aaaaaand my army book when I went so I kind of had to patch it together from memory, but it went pretty well. I played against dwarves with the mission where the table is divided from corner to corner and you stay 6" away from the center line. The quick version is this.
He lined up on a hill near the center, I used the ghoulkin vampire power to take a free 8" movement towards him. He shot me a bit, I summoned them back and charged. I killed his stuff over the next couple rounds and only lost my 20 ghoul unit due to some direct hits with the grudge-thrower. The blood knights had the best game ever and I fully expect them to do nothing in the next 10 games I use them to make up for the ridiculous rolls I had. I can't remember much else, it was a week ago and this post is getting pretty wordy. Here's a rough outline of my list as I remember it.
Vampire Lord
-Master of the Black Arts
-Wristbands of Gold
-Raise Ghouls power
-Other stuff I can't remember
-Blood Drinker
-Other stuff that is cool
Wight King
-Drakenhof Banner
(20) Ghouls
(40) Ghouls
(20) Grave Guard
-Full Command
(5) Blood Knights
-Full Command
I think that's about it, not a very good list overall but I do alright with it. Mostly I just use the models I have painted as much as I can. (I like painted minis if that isn't apparent by this point) I was considering picking up some cairn wraiths to use instead of the blood knights. The knights are very cool but the are just huuuuugggggeeee point sinks/targets. We'll see. I'll try and post one more time before Sunday's event. If I'm on the ball, I'll remember to take my camera to take some pictures. If I forget, I'll at least post up pics of my armies next Monday/Tuesday. I think this has gone on longer than I meant, time to go paint! Again.
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