Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Once more unto the breach...

As planned, I had my rematch with Alpha's space marines today.  The mission was seize ground with spearhead deployment.  I used the same list as before except I remembered to bring my daemon prince, which turned out to be the difference.  It wasn't so much that the prince went out and killed a bunch of stuff as much as he was bait in a trap for the terminators.  He got charged while hiding behind my land raider and managed to take two of them down and then...dead!  Luckily I had a squad of berzerkers and chaos marines near enough to fire into the remaining five and kill them in assault.  After they were down it was still a close battle but I managed to squeak out a 2-1 win.  Overall a really quick and fun match.

Too quick.

After the game, Alpha offered me the chance at taking on his double-lash chaos marine list.  I reluctantly accepted and then spent the next hour cowering behind blocking terrain and trading long distance shots with seven obliterators while trying to avoid being lashed out into the open.  I had a chance to at least tie it on turn 5 but my upset bid failed when I couldn't get enough marines into combat with his weakened daemon prince to finish it off and proceeded to get sweeping advanced by it.  Let me just say, playing against lash of submission may be the most frustrating thing you can face in 40k.  I think it would have been a lot worse at 2000pts too.  In any case, I can't see myself using it unless I was running a pure Slaanesh chaos army and even then I'd strongly consider not fielding it.

All in all I'm feeling much better about the list than I did last week after my short-handed loss.  I still don't think that second set of obliterators is the answer, but they will probably do for this tournament.  I'll try to get the rest of the berzerkers and the next two obliterators painted this week so I can focus on my Vampire Counts and LotRs armies next week.  That's all for me,take care!



  1. it's been a week noah! moar posts!

  2. Sorry buddy, I'll post some stuff tonight. I've been hobbying a ton, too much to post!
