Wednesday, November 3, 2010

1,500pt Chaos Marine List

I'm planning on getting a practice game in tomorrow night with my Hobby Triathlon 40k list.  I'll probably be playing a pretty solid Space Marine player, we'll see if I get any pictures.  I have it almost all figured out, but there are a few points left over that I'm undecided on.  So here's what I'm looking at...

1500pt Chaos Space Marines

Daemon Prince
-mark of tzeentch

(10) Chaos Space Marines
-aspiring champion with power fist, melta bombs
-2 x meltas

(10) Berzerkers (in Land Raider)
-skull champion with power weapon, melta bombs

(9) Thousand Sons
-aspiring sorcerer with warptime, melta bombs

Land Raider

(2) Obliterators

Here's the options I'm looking at with the remaining points...

[Option 1]
Take out a berzerker, substitute for Kharn the Betrayer

[Option 2]
Vindicator with daemonic possession

[Option 3]
2x Obliterators

I'm torn because I already own the vindicator but it's not painted and I usually have terrible luck with them.  I could get Kharn painted up really quick but I don't know how wild I am about using a named character.  I already use Lysander in my Imperial Fists and I don't want to be one of those players that uses named characters as crutches.  Which leaves me with the obliterators.  They're probably the best option here but they are terrible to build and I don't own them yet.  I'm planning on painting my other two tonight so if that goes well, maybe I'll be motivated to build/paint two more.

That's it for me tonight, happy hobbying!


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